What is this?The interactions listed below are all populated using
a new method for sharing social interactions between independent websites.
This website gathers feedback about this post from all over the internet, including via social media channels, and whenever someone mentions this post on their website. You can also paste the URL of a response post on this page to submit a comment.
Via Social PostsOdds are, I shared this post on one of my social channels. Scroll up to the secion that reads "Other Places You Can Find This Post" (if it exists).
Click on a link to view one of the social posts. Interact with that post on your social media platform of choice, and your comments, likes, and reposts will appear in the comments section below.*
Via Your Own WebsiteIf you use Webmentions on your own website, you can simply link to this article and your mention will appear below under "Mentions."*
Via The Form On This PageThis page has a simple webmention submission form below where you can paste the URL of a response post from your website.
*After ~6-12 hours. I try not to overburdon my Webmention server, so I gather new mentions a few times a day.